Updating the music to early 2000's pop, the story was transformed into America's journey in the great recession. Using stark and contrasting angles and colors, the scenes were made out to be portraits of the character's lives. This was complemented by the exciting concert feel of the upbeat musical numbers.

The play centers around a machine that destroys sound. As the world turned to silence, the lighting became increasingly broken and colorful. The chaos of the fights was communicated through strong angles and contrasting colors.

In order to play on the shows repetitive scenes, the cold and otherworldly lighting shifted slightly with the tone of the scene; more even-keeled for realistic scenes, and increasingly angular for the abstract ones.

We wanted the design to reflect the over the top style of the show. To achieve this, the design was full of bright colors and heavy-handed cueing to keep the energy going through the full musical.
Scenic and lighting worked together to deepen the stage after each act. As layers of plastic were removed, layers of color were added.